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The Spiritual Life of the Priest (Boylan)
Difficulties in Mental Prayer (Boylan)
The Priest's Way to God (Boylan)
Saintly Women of Modern Times (Cruz)
The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila: Volume 1
The Rock from Which You Were Hewn (Ireland Only)
Dom Columba Marmion: Master of the Spiritual Life (Thibault)
Therese of Lisieux: Secrets of Joy (Descouvement)
Just for Today (Therese of Lisieux)
Beloved of God and Men: Essays in Honour of Blessed Columba Marmion (ed. Cenacle Press)
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: Ladder of Sanctity (Vandeur)
Pierre-Julien Eymard: Priest of the Eucharist (Tesniere)
Approach to Prayer (Zeller)
Approach to Christian Sculpture (Zeller)
The Priest at the Altar (Graf)
The Diary of Saint Gemma (Galgani)
Padre Pio: Stories and Memories of My Mentor and Friend (Amorth)
Words of Life on the Margin of the Missal (Marmion)
Pamphlets for the Faithful (Doyle)
Festivals of Faith: Sermons for the Liturgical Year (Newman/Nielsen)
Catechism of the Spiritual Life (Cardinal Sarah)
Sermon in a Sentence: Pope Benedict XVI
Overcoming Sinful Anger (Morrow)
The Catholic Mass (Schneider)