Just for Today (Therese of Lisieux)

The Cenacle Press at Silverstream Priory

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Also available soon at Sophia Institute Press!


I ought to grieve at the way I go to sleep at my prayer and during my thanksgiving, and yet, I do not grieve. Instead, I cannot help thinking that little children please their parents as much when they are asleep as when they are awake, that surgeons put their patients to sleep for an operation, in short, that the Lord knoweth our frame. He remembereth that we are dust (Ps. cii).

Living a holy life can seem like a daunting task when the ordinary Christian compares himself to the great saints throughout the ages. He might think that he has not been given the opportunity, has not received the special graces, or simply does not know how to begin. This compilation is a reminder that the Lord made us, knows us, loves us and provides for us according to our condition and so we can please him, even when we are only sleeping.

When reading these excerpts from the Imitation of Christ and St Therese of Lisieux, one might forget that there are two distinct authors. What the one preached anonymously in the written word, the other exemplified in her daily life. By putting into practice what the Imitation of Christ teaches, the Little Flower shows us that every happening of our lives, whether big or small, pleasant or painful, can be turned into a childlike gift to our Heavenly Father. This book does not leave for us a set of rules to follow or tasks to accomplish. Rather, it is a daily inspiration and reminder that sanctity is achieved in and through each Christian's particular state of life and daily tasks.

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