Scenes from the Lives of the Saints (Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich)
Scenes from the Lives of the Saints is the ninth volume of the long-awaited “New Light on the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich” series. In the first part the visionary provides details of the lives of 59 saints, among them Agatha, Anthony of Padua, Thomas Aquinas, Augustine, Benedict and Scholastica, Catherine, Dionysius the Areopagite, Francis and Clare of Assisi, Ignatius of Loyola (and Aloysius), Justina and Cyprion, Nicholas of Fluë, Perpetua and Felicity, Paul and Thekla. The second part gives examples of Anne Catherine’s gift of recognizing relics and other blessed objects, leading into deep insights regarding those to whom they relate. The third part contains the fascinating story of two individuals unknown to history: Datula (along with her princely husband Pontianus) and the mysterious Judith of Africa, a Jewess living in a region called the Mountains of the Moon. The closing reflection is on Mary of Agreda.
This series supplements an earlier Angelico publication: The Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich, Books I–III. In 2009 the original notes of Anne Catherine’s visions (in 38 notebooks) became for the first time available for reference, and the present series incorporates much new material translated therefrom. With regard to both individuals and themes, every reference thus far located in the notes and in prior translations have been woven together, so the reader can find in one place almost all of what Anne Catherine had to say on each topic.
As regards the series as a whole, virtually every individual in the biblical visions (approximately 250 in total) is referenced in the five People of the New Testament volumes. The Life of the Virgin Mary is dedicated to Mary (and her Essene ancestry), and Scenes from the Lives of the Saints treats of fifty-nine saints. The present volume forms a set with Mysteries of the Old Testament and two further volumes cover a multitude of separate themes: Inner Life and Worlds of Soul & Spirit and Spiritual Works and Journeys. The final volume is The Life of Anne Catherine Emmerich.