Manuale Exorcismorum (Clergy)
This book is in stock and can be sold to clergy only. Please email: clergyorders@cenaclepress.com
Manuale Exorcismorum is a collection of prayers and rituals from the 17th century. These prayers, from various approved sources, were collected together by Maximillianus ab Eynatten, S.T.L., who was a canon of Antwerp and died in 1631. This Sensus Traditionis edition can still be fittingly used by priests. It is a complete and newly typeset edition, made form the 17th century original. The original text is left unchanged except for modernizations of spelling and typesetting, etc.
This book is only available to clergy. To order the book, please email: clergyorders@cenaclepress.com, indicating one’s name, parish or canonical assignment and address.