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The Rock from Which You Were Hewn (Ireland Only)
Words of Life on the Margin of the Missal (Marmion)
Christ in His Mysteries (Marmion)
Christ the Ideal of the Monk (Marmion) | Centenary Edition
A Benedictine Soul: Biography, Letters, and Spiritual Writings of Dom Pius De Hemptinne
Dom Columba Marmion: Master of the Spiritual Life (Thibault)
Blessed Columba Marmion: A Short Biography
Beloved of God and Men: Essays in Honour of Blessed Columba Marmion (ed. Cenacle Press)
Christ the Life of the Soul
Christ the Ideal of the Priest
Union With God (Marmion)
Barb of Fire: St Elizabeth of the Trinity with Bl Columba Marmion
The Grace of "Nothingness" (Koenemann)
With Christ: An Anthology of the Writings of Blessed Columba Marmion
Our Way and Our Life