Book Cluny Media Seeking God's Face (Ratzinger) DS-2-T

Seeking God's Face (Ratzinger)

Cluny Media

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By Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI)

Seeking God's Face

“Seek out the Lord and his might; constantly seek his face.” This concise admonition from the Book of Psalms captures the impetus of these meditations, in which Joseph Ratzinger reflects upon the major feasts and the Sundays of the year, inspired by Scripture, the Church Fathers, and the lives of the saints. The seasons of Advent and Christmas receive particular attention, with an address on the mystery of suffering, a sermon on the “Word Made Flesh,” and a consideration of the contribution of St. Francis of Assisi to Christmas celebrations. which join “The Lesson of the Christmas Donkey” by Pope John Paul I in honoring the birth of Jesus Christ, in whom we encounter the very face of God.

Without faith, our calendar is simply a way by which the revolutions of the earth around itself and around the sun are measured… In faith, time is measured…by the acts of God, whose heart is, in all his activity, turned toward man. (Joseph Ratzinger)

Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) served as Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church from 2005 until his resignation in 2013. He is the author of numerous theological and spiritual works, including Introduction to Christianity, the Jesus of Nazareth trilogy, and the papal encyclicals Deus Caritas Est and Spe Salvi.

Paperback: 154pp.

ISBN: 978-1950970698

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