The Life, Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ Book IV
Various editions of the Anne Catherine Emmerich's remarkable visions have been compiled over the years, but only recently (2009) have Brentano’s complete notebooks (in 38 volumes) been published, and this new 4-volume edition benefits greatly from this new resource.Anne Catherine was so attuned to the life of Jesus that her visions encompassed minute details of time and place. Along with other supplements, this definitive edition incorporates a day-by-day chronology and—during the days of Passion—a nearly hour-by-hour itinerary. It contains also 43 detailed maps specially drawn to depict Jesus’s journeys. Many efforts have been made to date events in the life of Jesus, but those offered in this edition differ from all previous efforts in that they derive from the application of modern chronological science to the totality of Anne Catherine’s visions as a coherent whole. In addition, 149 illustrations drawn from the monumental work of the French painter James J. Tissot (1836–1902)—who was himself largely inspired by his Anne Catherine’s visions—are distributed among the 4 volumes.Over the years many have attested to the transformative power of these visions, and on Oct. 3, 2004, Anne Catherine was beatified by Pope John Paul II. It is the publisher’s hope that these visions, so engaging as historical narrative and so replete with spiritual insight, may open a gateway—for the many moderns who have fallen out of connection with the life and teaching of Jesus—to the earthly garden where the Spirit bloomed, and blossoms still.