Shipping policy
For international orders, please make your purchase as soon as possible to facilitate the preparation and shipping of your order.
The quality of DHL service makes DHL our preferred international shipping choice. AnPost, though usually reliable, can take significantly longer to arrive, particularly during busy times of the year.
If the shipping price is greater than the items purchased, particularly for small orders of only a few euros, please feel free to contact us at to ask if a custom shipping option is available.
- DHL and UPS cannot deliver to PO Boxes. Please provide a street address. Only AnPost can deliver to PO Boxes.
- We will not replace any orders lost when shipping with AnPost. They are simply too unreliable. You, as customer, choose AnPost as your shipping option at your own risk.
- Shipping times quoted at checkout refer to transit times once the order has been fulfilled and picked up by the shipping company, NOT to how long it will take us to fulfil the order. No shipping or order fulfilment time frame is guaranteed. See below for more info.
- Please contact us immediately if you notice that any information you entered for your order is incorrect. If your shipping information is incorrect or incomplete at the time of shipment due to customer error, we are not liable for loss or delay of your shipment.
- Order fulfilment time is usually 1-3 working days, but it may be up to 14 days. Should a delay of more than 14 days be envisioned we will contact you.
- Please be prepared to respond to any queries we may send you via email regarding your order so that we can process it in a timely manner.
- Order fulfilment emails may not indicate that the package has actually been shipped, only that it is ready for shipment. Thus an order fulfilled Friday afternoon won't usually be picked up until Monday morning.
Quoted Transit times
The time quoted at checkout for any given shipping option (e.g. 2 days) refers to the transit time once the order has been picked up by the shipping company. It does not refer to how long it will take us to prepare the order for shipment. The times are usually those quoted by the Shipping companies themselves, however, they are not guaranteed. Days refer to 24 hour periods, not to calendar days. Thus '2 day shipping' would be from 12 noon on Monday to 12 noon on Wednesday, even though the item was in transit over three calendar days. The following example shows how the weekend may also affect calendar day transit times:
An order is placed on Thursday. We package it on Friday. It is shipping with DHL, and we process the label for it on Friday; we send the order fulfilment email. A DHL collection is scheduled for the next Tuesday because Monday is a bank holiday. DHL picks it up on Tuesday. It arrives on Friday. DHL has met their 2 day quote: it was in transit for only 48 hours. However, it was 8 calendar days from the order fulfilment email. It couldn't have been faster.