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Catechism in a Year Companion
The Cast Off Christmas Tree (Gryniewicz and Rosato-Nuzzo)
Therese of Lisieux: Secrets of Joy (Descouvement)
A Soul Prepared Through Suffering (Kaufman)
We Sing While There's Voice Left (Zeller)
Saint Mary Magdalene: Prophetess of Eucharistic Love (Fr. Sean Davidson)
A Difficult Life: Leonie Martin, the Sister of St. Therese of Lisieux (Marie Baudouin-Croix)
Prayers and Heavenly Promises
The Plays of St. Therese of Lisieux
Just for Today (Therese of Lisieux)
Beloved of God and Men: Essays in Honour of Blessed Columba Marmion (ed. Cenacle Press)
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: Ladder of Sanctity (Vandeur)
Holy Family Children's Rosary Christmas Cards
Consagración de Niños: A Jesus a través de María (Kaufman)
Nativity Grotto Children's Rosary Christmas Cards
Nativity Scene Children's Rosary Christmas Cards
Pierre-Julien Eymard: Priest of the Eucharist (Tesniere)
Approach to Prayer (Zeller)
Approach to Christian Sculpture (Zeller)
The Priest at the Altar (Graf)
Padre Pio: Stories and Memories of My Mentor and Friend (Amorth)
Pamphlets for the Faithful (Doyle)
Approach to Spirituality (Zeller)
Sermon in a Sentence: Pope Benedict XVI