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The Church in the Dark Ages: Volume 2 (The History of the Church of Christ) (Daniel-Rops)
The Church of Apostles and Martyrs: Volume 1 (The History of the Church of Christ) (Daniel-Rops)
The Church of Apostles and Martyrs: Volume 2 (Daniel-Rops)
The Church of Cathedral and Crusade, Volume 1 (Daniel-Rops)
The Church of Cathedral and Crusade, Volume 2 (Daniel-Rops)
The Church of the Classical Age: The Era of Great Splintering: Volume 1 (Daniel-Rops)
The Church of the Classical Age: The Era of Great Splintering: Volume 2 (Daniel-Rops)
The Church of the Classical Age: The Great Century of Souls: Volume 1 (Daniel-Rops)
The Church of the Classical Age: The Great Century of Souls: Volume 2 (Daniel-Rops)
The Church of the Revolutionary Age: Facing New Destinies, Volume 1 (Daniel-Rops)
The Church of the Revolutionary Age: Facing New Destinies: Volume 2 (Daniel-Rops)
The Clementine Vulgate and Rheims New Testament
The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross
The Complete Works of Elizabeth of The Trinity, 2 Vol. Set
The Confessions (St Augustine)
The Consensus of the Fathers & Theologians
The Contemplative Hunger (Haggerty)
The Creed in Slow Motion (Knox)
The Day Is Now Far Spent (Sarah, Diat)
The Diary of Saint Gemma (Galgani)
The Didache Bible
The Everlasting Man (Chesterton)
The Face of God (Badde)
The Flame Imperishable: Tolkien, St. Thomas, and the Metaphysics of Faerie (McIntosh)