The Grace to Desire It (Noonan)
83 pages | Paperback
The Grace To Desire It: Meditation On St Benedict’s 12 Degrees Of Humility
St Benedict, the Father of Western Monks, teaches that there are Twelve Degrees or Steps of Humility. This little book explores each of these steps, prayerfully seeking out their meaning and proposing practical ways in which they can be reached and lived out in day to day life.
Praise for The Grace to Desire It (from the back cover):
These short meditations on each of the twelve degrees of humility which St Benedict describes in the Chapter 7 of his Rule introduce us to the (re-) discovery of the beauty of Christian humility. Through the examples of moderns saints, moral exhortation, and practical advice, the reader is gently led towards what remains both a mystery and a gift. Three fine prayers asking for humility provide a fitting conclusion to this helpful and accessible book which, one may hope, will draw many souls closer to the meek and perfectly humble Heart of Jesus. - Dom Xavier Perrin, O.S.B., Abbot of Quarr
Will you come along? In his book Dom Pius Mary invites us to scale the heights of the spiritual life at the school of Saint Benedict, which is to say in keeping with the most authentic teaching at the heart of all Christian monasticism. And we shall not lack company for this journey, since the author also draws generously on the wealth of wisdom found in other great masters of the spiritual life. What are we waiting for? - Dom Philip Anderson, O.S.B, Abbot of Clear Creek
Saint Benedict's teaching on humility is one of the key chapters in his Rule and has been the inspiration for many during the 1,500 years since it was written. These reflections of Fr Pius Mary Noonan may help the reader to come to grips with this counter-cultural quality that are at the heart of the spirituality of every follower of the One who said, "Learn of me that I am meek and humble of heart." - Michael Casey OCSO
It's not an exaggeration to say this is an important book; after all, is there anything more essential than the business of getting to heaven? With the mastery of the virtuoso, Dom Noonan renders ancient Benedictine wisdom something each of us can easily comprehend and apply in our daily lives. If you are at all serious about your Christian faith and our journey to God, you will want to get this gem into the hands of those you love. It's that good. - Fr Michael Bozell, O.S.B., Abbaye St Pierre de Solesmes
Crystalline, beautiful, so clear and concise! - Clarissa Kwasniewski Obl.O.S.B.
About the Author
Dom Pius Mary Noonan has been a Benedictine monk for over 35 years and is Prior of Notre Dame Priory, a community of Benedictine monks in Tasmania, Australia. In addition to leading his community, he conducts retreats in Australia and abroad. He holds a doctorate in theology from the Institut Saint Thomas d'Aquin in Toulouse, France.