Hail Mary (Vandeur)
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"These pages do not pretend to furnish theologians and doctors with a new Mariology. My aim is much more modest; I am trying to reach many small souls, for whom a few rays of Holy Mary's beauty will suffice; that they may endlessly admire and better pronounce her name—after the Name of Jesus, the most beautiful of names."
Dom Eugene Vandeur's Hail Mary is not another scholarly exegesis on each part of that ancient prayer; it is a poetic, passionate, expressive, rhythmic hymn of praise. In the chapters of this little book, Dom Vandeur lovingly meditates on all the words and phrases of the Hail Mary, aiming to inspire Marian devotion in "small souls" and deepen in his readers appreciation for the prayer. Like the practice of prayerfully repeating the Hail Mary, this book is best when savored and returned to again and again.
Victor-Joseph Vandeur was born in Namur, Belgium, on 21 May 1875. Academically successful from a young age, he entered the Benedictine monastery of Maredsous, where he pronounced his Solemn vows in 1897. He was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on 15 August 1899. After completing his studies at San Anselmo's in Rome, he was appointed professor at his Abbey's school, and in 1909 was sent as Prior to the Abbey of Mont César in Louvain. He remained there until 1924 teaching and acting as confessor to several communities of women religious. This apostolate inspired the idea, approved by his superiors, of founding a community of Benedictine Nuns who, through their monastic life, would contribute to the rechristianisation of the family. The foundations of this community were laid in 1917 and eventually became known as the Benedictine Nuns of Our Lady of Ermeton. Returning to Maredsous in 1925, he continued to fulfil many functions and preach retreats throughout France and Belgium. In 1949 he founded the "Union of the Little Companions of Charity", a work intended to promote charity in all parts of the world. Hale and active to the end, he passed to the Lord on Sunday, November 5 1967.
Paper ISBN: 9781915544131 €21.95 | Ebook ISBN: 9781915544148 €12.99