My Book of the Church's Year (Chadwick)
This is a charming children's book that walks through the traditional Catholic liturgical year in its seasons and symbols, while highlighting some of our most beloved saints. The graphic design is brilliantly done -- no book compares with this one for a striking and memorable overview of the liturgical year. It makes a superb catechetical tool.
It’s the loveliest, most charming, and in many ways most clever introduction to the liturgical calendar I’ve ever come across. It is informed by a deep Catholic love for the seasons of the year, the feasting and fasting, the great holy days, the pageantry of the saints and their stories, the underlying rhythm that connects nature, culture, and sanctity. . . . Though written and illustrated by a High Church Anglican, the feasts depicted in this book differ only in very minor ways from the traditional Catholic calendar. Chadwick’s handsome illustrations are simple enough for young children, and yet at the same time full of complexities for those who are attentive.