Christ the Life of the Soul
The author shows how to die to sin and live for God, and the primary sources of our spiritual nourishment in the Eucharist and prayer, until the consummation of our adoption in Christ Jesus in the mystical body of Christ. Perhaps Pope Benedict XV said it best: "Read this - it is the pure doctrine of the Church ... and singularly conducive to excite and maintain the flame of Divine love in the soul."
"He bequeathed to us an authentic treasury of spiritual teaching for the Church of our time. In his writings he teaches a way of holiness, simple and yet demanding, for all the faithful." - Pope John Paul II
"[The works of Marmion] are outstanding in the accuracy of their doctrine, the clarity of their style, and the depth and richness of their thought." - Pope Pius XII
"Abbot Marmion carries us back to a wider and more wholesome tradition, and many will rise up to bless him, as they find in his teaching new strength, and fresh vigor in their striving after God." - Francis Cardinal Bourne
Born in Ireland in 1858, Blessed Columba Marmion became Abbot of Maredsous Abbey, Belgium, and one of the great spiritual masters of the 20th century. His conferences and books have influenced popes, cardinals, priests, monks, and laity alike.