Meditations for Lent (Bossuet)
There is no better time to begin—or to renew—the habit of meditation than during the penitential season of Lent.
If you want to combine the spiritual benefits of a holy Lent with the supernatural harvest that regular mental prayer brings, then you stand to profit from Bossuet's Meditations for Lent.
These brief but powerful meditations have been collected from the voluminous writings of the great 17th Century Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet, a close follower of St. Vincent de Paul and considered to be among the greatest homilists in Catholic history.
In these pages, Bishop Bossuet will bring you on a stunning inner pilgrimage to encounter Our Lord's divine charity for souls, as He freely gives His life for you on the Cross. "The whole of Christian life consists in making this journey well," says the author. "Why do I hesitate to leave?"
Read Meditations for Lent and avoid arriving at Easter Mass distracted and exhausted, having neglected your sacrifices and even ordinary prayers.
Instead, find yourself coming joyfully unto the altar of God, ready and eager to adore the Risen King, with your soul prepared as a worthy dwelling place for the Redeemer.
"These meditations will help you enter by the narrow door, just as Jesus urges us. "
Rev. Paul CheckDirector of The Courage Apostolate
"Bossuet is a hidden treasure of profound spiritual insight, and his meditations will transform your Lenten experience."
Dan BurkeExecutive Director of The National Catholic Register
"Classic wisdom in a crisp new translation that will be of great spiritual value to everyone seeking to live the Faith more fully."
Robert RoyalFaith & Reason Institute