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The Great Adventure Catholic Bible, Second Edition
The Great Adventure Bible Timeline
The Great Adventure Bible Accessories (Bookmark, Tabs)
The Bible in a Year Companion (Fr Mike Schmitz)
The Church in the Dark Ages: Volume 1 (The History of the Church of Christ) (Daniel-Rops)
The Church in the Dark Ages: Volume 2 (The History of the Church of Christ) (Daniel-Rops)
Quo Vadis (Sienkiewicz)
The Church of Apostles and Martyrs: Volume 1 (The History of the Church of Christ) (Daniel-Rops)
A Religious Revolution: The Protestant Reformation, Volume 1 (Daniel-Rops)
The Life Hidden with Jesus in God: A Spirituality of Self-Denial (Boudon)
The Holy Ways of the Cross (Boudon)
The Meaning of the Monastic Life (Bouyer)
A Reader in Catholic Social Teaching (A. Kwasniewski)
The Church of Cathedral and Crusade, Volume 1 (Daniel-Rops)
The Church of the Classical Age: The Era of Great Splintering: Volume 1 (Daniel-Rops)
The Church of the Classical Age: The Era of Great Splintering: Volume 2 (Daniel-Rops)
The Church of the Classical Age: The Great Century of Souls: Volume 1 (Daniel-Rops)
The Church of Cathedral and Crusade, Volume 2 (Daniel-Rops)
The Church of the Classical Age: The Great Century of Souls: Volume 2 (Daniel-Rops)
An Age of Renewal: The Catholic Reformation: Volume 1 (Daniel-Rops)
Saints Are Not Sad (Sheed)
The Church of Apostles and Martyrs: Volume 2 (Daniel-Rops)
An Age of Renewal: The Catholic Reformation: Volume 2 (Daniel-Rops)
Padre Pio: The True Story (Ruffin, Third Edition)