Whilst It Is Day (Noonan)
88 pages | Paperback
Publisher’s description:
In this book, Dom Pius Mary Noonan shows that it is a divinely revealed truth that the limited time of this life is given to us in order to choose God and save our soul, and that when the hour of death has come, our fate is decided. There are no second chances after death, so we must be prepared now to meet our Maker.
There is a fierce battle going on in the world — and in the Church today — for the salvation of souls. Fr. Pius is a warrior in this battle and with his new book makes a significant contribution to dispelling the confusion that undermines lives of holiness and mission. Drawing on a remarkable store of knowledge of philosophy, theology and the rich tradition of the Church Fr. Pius convincingly explains why we only have one life to live and after death, the judgment. He demolishes theories that obscure this reality and provides a great service to helping people discover the narrow door that opens to life and get off the broad way that leads to destruction. Scholarly based but easy to read and useful for everyone.
—Dr Ralph Martin, S.T.D., Sacred Heart Seminary, DetroitThe so-called final option in death is not only a deceiving theory, in no way compatible with the Catholic doctrine, it is a terrible danger for the eternal salvation of so many souls. We should therefore be very grateful to Dom Pius Mary Noonan, O.S.B., to have given access for a broader public to his important and outstanding thesis on this topic.
Mgr Christophe Kruijen, S.T.D., Vice-Chancellor of Metz, FranceThe Gospel tells us that to be saved is difficult but possible; a counterfeit Gospel, like the unjust steward in Christ's parable, reduces our obligations and would have us believe that salvation is almost inevitable. This book is a welcome antidote to such a caricature of Christian hope. Writing with clarity and conviction, and drawing widely from the writings of the saints, Dom Pius Noonan explains how we are shaping our eternity now by the choices we are making each day; for generally speaking, people die as they have lived.
—Fr Thomas Crean, O.P., English Province of the Order of PreachersFr. Pius Mary Noonan has done us an immense favor by publishing a short but complete explanation of traditional Catholic teaching on why, after death, there is no more opportunity for conversion or repentance. The choice of God is made in this life and in this life alone. The error of a post-mortem “second chance” is truly a diabolic lie to anaesthetize consciences and thus prevent people from doing the one necessary thing here below: turning from sin and turning to the Lord, who gave us life in the body for precisely that reason.
—Dr Peter A. Kwasniewski, Ph.D., author of Reclaiming Our Roman Catholic BirthrightWhilst it is Day is a sober reminder that we must work out our salvation before death comes. False notions that all are saved, even without repentance, or that we will be given the option to turn towards God immediately after death, are widespread. Drawing upon Scripture and Christian anthropology, Fr. Pius lays out a compelling rebuttal of these views. We must take the call to conversion seriously, while it is still day, before death comes. This marvellous book is a must read for all Christians, particularly those involved in evangelisation.
—Dr Christine Wood, S.T.D., Director of Evangelisation, Archdiocese of Hobart